
Zumos Regional "How to be Happy" Campaigns

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N.B. Here you can Join this Campaign and start your 70 day Wellbeing course.


Measurably improving world happiness!

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About Us

Our mission is to measurably improve world happiness!

A big mission and the only way we can achieve it is for you to measurably improve your own happiness.

Zumos was first conceived in 2006, in answer to the question, “What can I do that will touch the world in a positive way immediately?”. Since then, a core team of passionate individuals have brought together panels of psychologists, educational psychologists, counsellors, doctors, consultants, subject-matter experts, mental health services, universities, colleges, city councils, expert writers, leading headteachers, directors of education, a whole array of collaborators and charities and of course end users to develop an expert-written, peer-reviewed system that delivers all the techniques they believe we can use to build a happy life.

Why Zumos?

One thing everybody on the planet has in common is the desire to be happy, but we are rarely taught how to feel it, find it, build it or be it. This is what Zumos does.

Zumos is the first online service of its kind. It is what the experts agree as being the best way to find happiness in your life, whatever your circumstances. It has all the tools you need to deal with life’s challenges and tragedies as they arise and the system is ever-growing.

Zumos builds your self-confidence and wellbeing. It helps you to practise being a mindful person and builds your inner strength to be a resilient person and it enables you to track your progress.

It helps you to find happiness in your life every day. It shows you how to be your own best friend, your greatest motivator, personal trainer and wisest mentor. It shows you that you are amazing, unique, talented and capable of doing the things you dream of.

It is your tool box for a happier life and your motivator to achieve the successes you want from life.

The Zumos Wellbeing initiative

Our approach to building broad spectrum wellbeing across the globe is structured and robust. Our aim is to encourage every individual to self-empower and take control of their own wellbeing as well as accepting and utilising the resources that are available to them.

We aim to disrupt the current model of responding only to crisis by building powerful resilience, wellbeing and self-confident individuals who are self-motivated and empowered.

We aim to teach these skills from childhood on so you simply become who you are, or to start change whatever stage of life you’re at or whatever circumstances you find yourself in. Change and the ability to cope comes from within and it is NEVER too late to start.

Our Approach

We are running “Feel Good” campaigns in every region. We are asking city councils, city councillors, MPs and local businesses to support and sponsor every school in their region so that we can deliver Zumos free to every school. That way every child can receive Zumos free of charge and the school can deliver the techniques to build self-confident, resilient and mindful students.

All the unique anonymous data that is gathered from individuals using Zumos will be used to better inform the schools on where their main areas of concern are so that they can address them more efficiently and to inform local government and indeed national government on the issues that people are exploring anonymously to enable them to make informed commissioning decisions, thereby better supporting the wellbeing of individuals where it is needed.


After the age of 10, Zumos is 100% anonymous; you cannot be identified unless you disclose your identity. We do not ask you for your name and your email address is powerfully encrypted. We will protect your anonymity at all costs. We believe this is vital for you to be able to trust Zumos with your wellbeing. We cannot and will never betray that trust.

Features & Benefits

This powerful tool delivers a simple mind technique every day that if practised builds powerful self-confidence, resilience and wellbeing. It teaches coping strategies, builds strong character and helps you to achieve positive internal dialogue.

These are recognised evaluations that measure your levels of happiness, resilience, wellbeing and self-confidence. You complete them on Day One of using Zumos, you follow the advice on how to improve your score, then they are repeated every three months so that you can track your progress.

Mindfulness is recognised as a vital tool in developing our wellbeing. Here you will find all the techniques you need to learn how to become mindful, how to breathe correctly, how to relax, focus, reduce anxiety and stress and how to find that part of you that is your rock, your stable foundation upon which to build the life you choose.

A whole library of expert written vocal recordings on how to deal with any issue you might be facing in the categories of Feelings, Life, Relationships and Body along with all the further help you might such as weblinks, helplines, reading material, books, video support, school support and online counselling.

Enables you to measure your change, see where you are now, what you have to do to improve and how well you have been using Zumos.

These games are based on the latest science coming out of our universities called CBM (cognitive bias modification). The evidence is that if you play these games for ten minutes, three times a week, after eight weeks you will be a measurably more positive person. Amazing!

Every day there are twenty new specially selected videos, chosen to inspire you, motivate you, inform you and to make you laugh.

Every day of your life is a page in your lifebook. Here you can track how you are feeling, record your positive memories and consider what you are looking forward to as you build a positive life; it will track your mood and encourage you to write your autobiography.

Every day when you first log in you will be able to click on how you are feeling for that day. This will slowly build a picture of your overall mood and how you generally improve it.

Daily personality quizzes that are fun and informative. They will probe your personality and help you to learn about yourself.

Available in schools, this enables a student to send an anonymous message to their school to report any issue from bullying and self-harm and health concerns. It is a system that allows you to communicate without having to disclose who you are and for the school to begin support and to signpost you in the right direction.

Store all the titles that really help you in your tool box so that you can access them easily when you need them most.

Senior Team

Zumos HQ is based in Portsmouth, Hampshire. We are a small company who believe that everyone deserves to feel supported! We are big advocates of mental health and wellbeing and believe that a little support can go a long way!

We have all been working within the health and wellbeing sector in various capacities and have all felt the need for an end-to-end service which can prevent, rather than react, to crisis. We believe that waiting times and restrictions our current government funded services provide, is not sufficient to help everyone and there is a real need for a service like ours, which can step in as an early intervention to help in a fun and user-friendly format.

Zumos believes in giving young people the experience and business skills needed to progress their careers. Not only do we ask for Zumos Communicators in schools to act as their school spokesperson, ensuring the voices of the young people are heard and our service is in line with pupil needs, we also welcome students from across Europe to come and work with us and help us to put the service together and ensure our feedback from pupils is translated onto our site.











Our Contributors

Alyssa Abbey Psycologist

Alyssa is a physiologist, author, coach and broadcaster who has been helping people to manage their energy and stress levels for over 18 years. Her work as a BUPA Stress Management Consultant takes her into many high-pressure corporate environments, and she works with all sorts of people in her private vitality practice, Live with Energy, helping them to maximize energy and achieve whatever they are going for in life.

Caitlin Collins Author

Caitlin Collins has many years' experience in the field of personal development coaching. She works both one-to-one and with groups, helping people to change unwanted behaviour such as smoking and over-eating, tackle emotional issues such as anxiety and depression, and explore new ways forward in their lives. She also works with horses, offering horse-facilitated coaching for individuals and groups. Cait is a writer on the editorial team of Rapport magazine (a major magazine for NLP and personal development in the UK), and contributes articles to other publications specialising in psychology, spirituality, life coaching, happiness, wellbeing and problem-solving. She is currently writing a book on Uncertainty, Change and Crisis: Facing Fear and Finding Courage. A Trainer in NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), coach and counsellor, Cait has a background of 35 years of Tibetan Buddhist practice and is an experienced meditation teacher.

Dr Clare Henken Author

Clare is an expert in the area of anthropometry and obesity. She has nearly 15 years of experience measuring people’s body composition and assisting them in the area of nutrition and physical activity. With a first degree in Physical education, a master degree in human performance and a PhD in physiology, human biology and statistics, Clare began her career in the US working with elite athletes. She moved back to the UK in 2000, working first in the Sport Science department at the University of Southampton and then subsequently at the University of Portsmouth. Clare became involved in anthropometrical assessment of professional football players in 2002, providing assessment of body composition, and offering guidance in nutrition, physical activity and training. Clare deviated from her focus on elite athletes when she discovered that the body compositional assessment and evaluation mechanisms linked to optimal performance had beneficial results with non-athletic groups, specifically morbidly obese individuals. She devised a support mechanism and tailored one-on-one consultations branded as Bodymorph. Clare has academic publications in the areas of sport performance and health and she regularly attends consultation events with the Department of Health regarding obesity management. Clare is passionate about health optimisation - ensuring that everyone finds their optimum health status from all angles. Clare’s aim is to help people to accept the things they cannot change, change the things they can and develop the wisdom to know the difference so they can live their life to its fullest potential.

Dr Dev Patel Author & Psycologist

Dev Patel has served as a Medical Officer in the Royal Navy for 8 years and is currently based in Porstmouth. He has worked in a variety of specialities but intends to continue his career as a GP.

Dr Lisa Tenzin-Dolma Author

Lisa is the author of 16 books and over 500 magazine articles, with most of these categorised under the self-help genre. She grew up in several countries around Europe and the Far East and continued to travel widely after returning to the UK in her mid-teens. Lisa trained as a nurse, then as a counsellor, and she uses this training with people and in her other work as a canine psychologist. In 2009 she was awarded a PhD in Humanities by Moffett University for her contribution to the development of human potential. Lisa has five grown-up children and two dogs.

Dr Sanjay Chaudhuri Author & Psycologist

Dr Sanjay Chaudhuri MBBS B.Sc is a medical doctor specialising in the Mind Body link in relation to creativity and wellbeing. He is a Kids Superbrands judge and Managing Director of Tomorrow's Child. Sanjay is the author and director of the book and DVD entitled ‘Creative Wellbeing’, regarding the role of creativity within education. He has also directed national film documentaries for the Daycare Trust National Conference and his company has undertaken media projects for the BBC.

Eddie Hawkes Psycologist

Eddie works as a Clinical Nurse Specialist for the NHS. He holds a Registered Mental Health Nurse qualification and maintains his registration with the U.K. Nursing & Midwifery Council. He is also a member of the U.K. and Ireland EMDR Association. Eddie has successfully completed Practitioner training in Eye Movement Desensitisation and Re-processing (EMDR) and Practitioner and Master-Practitioner training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Eddie has over 28 years of experience in helping adults, adolescents, children and families with a wide range of personal problems and relationship difficulties. Eddie takes on occasional private work as a Therapist and as a Clinical Supervisor and has a particular interest in working with clients who are experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He is an experienced trainer.

Jeff Seal Author

I began my training as a therapist at the University of Warwick in 2000 and was awarded my diploma. Since that point I have endeavoured to always seek opportunities to learn and improve my knowledge and practice as a therapist. I spent two years developing cutting-edge work with criminals in a prison setting, becoming an accredited counsellor for SURVIVORS UK, working with issues of male rape, assault and survivors of sexual abuse. I spent some months during 2005/6 working with the survivors of the tsunami in southern India, developing a psychosocial programme and training some members of that community in a way of working within the community themselves to help other survivors suffering from PTSD. I maintain my private practice, specialising in Forensic work, trauma and PTSD, Critical Incident Process, recovery and working with survivors of abuse.

Moira Dadd Author

I have been working in a therapeutic capacity for nearly 25 years, first training to be a yoga teacher in 1983. Then followed hypnotherapy training in 1991, and NLP in 1994, supported by several years of further CPD training in related subjects, most notably, in 1999, 2000 and 2004 from members of Avanta, the organisation in Seattle, USA, founded by the pioneering Family Therapist, Virginia Satir. I gained the NCFE Diploma in Counselling in 2003 through South Downs College and have just graduated (2007) with my Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Arts and Practice (Creative Arts Therapy) through the University of Chichester. I am currently continuing my post graduate studies at the university in Creative Supervision. I am a full diploma member of the Friends of Yoga of India, a full member of the UK Guild of Hypnotist Examiners, a full member and Senior Clinician with the National Council for Hypnotherapy and a full member of the National Council of Psychotherapists. I undertake several CPD trainings every year. I am also a qualified lecturer, gaining the Further and Adult Education Teachers’ Certificate through Highbury College in 1995 and the Certificate in Education through the University of Portsmouth (via South Downs College) in 2001. I currently work in a full-time private practice as a humanistic counsellor and yoga teacher and have recently been accepted as a voluntary Child Bereavement Counsellor with the Havant Area Bereavement Care Group, having undergone specialist in-house training. I attend supervision twice a month, which amounts to 4 hours. I run private workshops in a variety of subjects and occasionally teach adult evening classes through local colleges.

Prof. Tony Pointon Author

Emeritus Professor A J (Tony) Pointon of Portsmouth University is a former member of the Council of ACAS, was National Secretary of the Association of University and College Lecturers, and worked as Senior case Consultant for the Association of University Teachers.

Sarah Urquhart Author

Sarah is a specialist coach with 8 years' experience in both personal and executive coaching. With personal clients, Sarah specialises in career coaching. She writes a careers column for The Portsmouth Evening News every week and her first book, 101 Ways to Love Your Job, was published in 2003. With her corporate clients, Sarah specialises in training managers in coaching skills and coaching for performance improvement. 12 years in marketing management preceded her move into training and coaching. As a Senior Trainer for The Coaching Academy, Sarah has trained around 5000 people in the skills of coaching. She also contributed to the development of The Coaching Academy's current Personal and Corporate Coaching Diplomas. Sarah holds Diplomas in both Personal Performance and Corporate and Executive Coaching. She is an INLPTA NLP trainer and runs NLP training courses. She is also an Institute of Leadership and Management Executive Coaching Trainer up to Level 7. Sarah has also taken her knowledge of coaching into the sporting environment and is the Consultant Learning Resources Author for The British Equestrian Federation's UKCC Coaching Certificates Levels 1-3. As a coach Sarah will adapt her coaching style to what is needed by her client; this may be challenging, or it may be to take a softer approach. Her philosophy is always to focus on the positive of any situation, believing that from this frame of mind, better decisions and actions are made. www.thecoachingclinic.com or www.sarahurquhart.co.uk

Sarina Wheatman Author

I have worked in the field of addictions for the past twenty years. I have worked mainly in rehabilitation centres, both here in England and in Europe. My main focus has been in the drug and alcohol world but I also have experience of working with eating disorders, depression, stress and trauma. I come from the belief that abstinence is the key to finding your way out of the labyrinth of an addictive illness. It takes great courage to face up to illnesses such as these as the stigma attached to them unfortunately still exists. However, once an individual has made the decision to get help then rehabilitation will be one of the most effective solutions. There are lots of misconceptions and myths about addiction and the therapist's job is sometimes about translating and showing the best way into recovery. If there is one message I always want to give people it is ‘That no matter where the illness has taken you, Recovery is definitely possible’.

Simon Paine Author

As an enterprise coach, Simon is an expert in the areas of entrepreneurship, social enterprise and regeneration. He specialises in helping aspiring entrepreneurs in disadvantaged communities across the south of England get their businesses up and running. Simon’s route to his current role has taken in a wide variety of positions, enabling him to form a unique understanding of the challenges faced by people from all walks of life. The holder of a private pilot’s licence at 18, Simon achieved an RAF Flying Scholarship before embarking on an eight-year career with the police force. Here, he was involved in front line policing, criminal and specialist investigations, operational planning and performance management. At 23, he became Hampshire’s youngest Sergeant. He also completed an assignment with the German police and worked as an Inspector prior to starting on the next stage of his career. A one-time Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet, Simon has also been awarded the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, the Police Training College Prize for academic achievement and, most latterly, SFEDI accreditation for Business Advisors and Brokers. SFEDI is the government-recognised UK standards setting body for people working in the business support sector. He teaches entrepreneurship at the School for Social Entrepreneurs

Venetia Moore Author

Qualified in a wide range of therapies, Venetia has practised as a Health and Wellbeing Practitioner for over 21 years. By respecting everyone's uniqueness, she looks to holistically help others to heal, balance and re-connect to their true nature. Venetia has worked for many years from a Complementary Health Centre set up by a group of doctors, the first of its kind in the South West of England. Her therapy work involves mostly one-to-one sessions; depending on the area of need she will use hands-on bodywork or a talking therapy. She has had much experience with a variety of conditions such as stress and stress-related physical and emotional problems, physical aches and pains, hormonal imbalances and emotional issues, such as lack of self-esteem and confidence. Venetia also treats infants with a variety of problems and symptoms. Venetia also runs classes, courses and workshops in the community, covering different aspects of health and wellbeing, raising awareness for us to empower ourselves and others. Her classes cover all ages and abilities. Venetia feels her spiritual practice and approach to life creates an essential foundation for all that she does. Qualifications: 1980 - AMP & Swedish Massage City & Guilds – (Distinction); 1991 - Aromatherapy ITEC – (credit); 1997 - Clinical Honours Diploma ITEC; 1997 - Diet & Nutrition Lymphatic; 1997 - Drainage Massage; 1994-8 - CranioSacral Therapy LSM - Zakia Collins; 2001 - Stage One Teaching City & Guilds – credit; 2002 - Baby Massage IAIM; 2003 - Baby Yoga Birthlight - Francois Freeman; 2005-7 - Developing Progressive Counsellor SRHMC; 2007-9 - Cert Ed Diploma Plymouth University (grading 2-1 percentage); 2009 - Meditation Foundation Spiritual Knowledge & Philosophy Teaching SRHMC; 2010 - Holistic Energy Care Teacher Training SRHMC


What is everyone saying about Zumos?

Rt Hon Damian Green

Former Secretary of State

Rt Hon John Wood


Rt Hon Karen Lee


Iain Price

Imagine for Schools

Chellaston Academy


Fiona Welfair

Safeguarding Lead - Heath Park School

Mel Humphreys

Moreton School

"Zumos has been such an invaluable resource for us in supporting our pupils social and emotional progress. All the pupils love it and engage daily as well at home. We have had great feedback not only from the pupils themselves and staff using it but from parents, visitors and governors. We are able to hand pick resources to support each pupils individual needs as well as focusing on whole school issues. I was concerned how Zumos would work with us being a short stay school but it has supported our whole school ethos and embedded quickly, especially with all the support and guidance we have received from the ZUMOS team."

Amanda Baugh - Behaviour and Inclusion Manager - Northern House PRU

"I do now have a student that has told me that they used it when they were feeling very, very low and that it stopped them attempting suicide. I don’t really think it needs a bigger endorsement than that."

Jo Mersey - Assistant Headteacher - Milton Cross Academy

"Zumos offers IAG (information advice and guidance) from an holistic perspective much more detailed and far more advanced than normal IAG services"


"I was really impressed with Zumos and its approach to children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing. It is a pragmatic way to enable individual young people to empower and educate themselves at the same time which can actually prevent minor issues escalating, in my view personal view as an RN and HV this is a 21st century tool which C&YP would understand and really utilise"

Linda Edward - Senior Public Health Commissioner - Children & Young People

"Zumos. A one stop shop for school leaders to assess the health and wellbeing of pupils without them really realising it. Useful data to put in front of Ofsted as evidence of how well you know your school population and what you can do about it."

Head of Enterprise and Personal Development Learning, Springfield Secondary School

“We have been using Zumos over the last year and I can honestly say that I have seen a change in the students that use it regularly. As a school, we now know exactly what our students are thinking and worrying about, we do not have to guess or assume, this means support is accurately targeted.”

Debbie Ling – Learning Support Manager – Abbeyfield School

"Zumos has been an invaluable resource for our school. Well publicised constraints on the NHS and their services now means long waits for mental health support and therefore, first response is often left to school staff. What students now have is a superb platform to access anonymous information produced by lead counselling/health care professionals in key areas affecting 11-18 year olds. This has transformed our ability to support and guide our students."

Jonathan Maw – Wilmslow High School

"I introduced our Y6 children to Zumos earlier this week and they LOVED it!! They are really excited by it."

Deputy Head, Woodlands Academy

"I think the concept of the website is fantastic! For me as a school counsellor and as a person responsible for safeguarding of pupils in schools, I feel this will enlighten me to pupils emotional intelligence/literacy and alert school staff to those pupils having difficulties in specific areas.

I feel the website is an added tool to help promote the emotional wellbeing of pupils and an excellent way of tracking statistically how pupils are feeling in general. This will show evidence based impact and highlight what service/provision is needed to support the pupil."

School Councillor

"I can see such huge benefit in this programme and am excited to get started. On first view the pages I have seen today are clear and look inviting, whilst being pitched at an appropriate level... The CBM approach is fascinating and looks to be very powerful!! Here's to the next step!"

Class Teacher, SENCO - Charles Kingsley's CE (VA) Primary School

Why schools choose Zumos

We chose to run Zumos because we want to offer bespoke support to all our children and provide them with the opportunity to share how they feel every day. We want to be able to offer specific support and help to individuals. We want all staff to engage in being proactive in supporting children's mental health and provide families with support at home.

Katherine Anstey – Headteacher, Merley First School.

We chose to run Zumos as we have read and heard very good reviews. It ticks a lot of boxes in helping and promoting the mental well-being of our school family. It is a means of hopefully looking after our children, even when they are not in school and that is something that we are extremely interested in doing.

Mrs Lisa Musgrove PSHE subject lead Irlam Primary School

Feedback from Pupils

Amazing, I feel like I finally have someone to talk to that won't be offended by what I say.

Brilliant app. But to improve can we have more of those tests that we did when we started the app?
I like your website, I enjoy doing the quizzes.
I really appreciate this website as I always have something to turn to when I am in difficult times!
Thank you!
I really enjoy the games on this website.
I really like it.
I really like this, it will always cheer me up.
It is really fun but you can only watch 10 videos a day, could you make it 20?
It is really good and amazing.
It really helps me, thank you.
It was great it changed my life a lot. THANK YOU.
It’s helped become happier about myself and who I am, this website is great.
It's amazing and reliable.
It's really good.
I like the website, you rock!
Really good website.
Thank you it has helped me more honest with others and feel open with myself.
This is a very good app.
Wow this zumos website is so good!
Zumos had given me some advice on what to do if I'm sad or lonely and if I've got a problem.
Zumos is great.

Join Us

Starting with yourself - Join our mission to measurably improve world happiness!

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Learn about how Zumos works in schools and how to sign up by clicking on the "I am a school" button below.

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Join your regions 'How to be Happy' Campaign

Pulling together as a community helps us feel connected and supported as we improve our wellbeing.

We are launching wellbeing campaigns in each region of England, bringing together, local government, support services, community spaces, businesses, work places, schools and individuals to support you as you measurably improve your wellbeing , fully supported by your community.

It will also enable you to see and engage with all the volunteering opportunities available to you locally.

You can choose your How to be Happy Campaign from the list below, then click on Go to be taken to your chosen Campaigns Home Page where you can Join this Campaign.

Already Signed Up For Zumos Campaigns ?

Contact Us


89 Clarendon Road,




Company Number: 11109953

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0333 050 0102